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Typical Signs of a Haunting

Typical Signs of a Haunting

A general uneasy feeling:

Like you are not alone or you are being watched are common in most reports of a possible haunting.

Noises that you cant explain:

Knocking or rapping, sounds of movement similar to a shuffling of feet, or the sound of fabric as if someone just turned and walked out of the room, foot steps, voices, whispering, subtle or loud banging, the sound of a door opening or closing.

Items missing or article of furniture moved:

Personal or commonly used items such as hair brush, toothbrush, or car keys disappearing only to be returned at a later time, what typically happens is the item is found days later in the exactly the place they were left or will turn up in an obvious place that could not have been over looked during even the most casual search, this phenomena has been referred to as the "borrowers phenomena".

Electrical or Appliances Issues:

Lights and or appliances turning on and off by themselves, most reports of this type are reported to have occurred when the person experiencing the phenomena is not present, usually when they return home or wake up in the morning and they know the appliances or lights were not left in the way they were discovered faulty lights as well.

Unexplained Movement:

Such as light or shadow, sometimes you may even believe you saw or heard someone walk by and you know nobody is there. The most common report is that of shadows and flashes.

Unexplained Temperature Changes:

These are known as cold spots or warm spots, usually a drop or rise of 10 to 20 degrees in a localized area indicate something either did or attempted to manifest itself, meaning a spirit or entity may have attempted to make itself known. Spirits and entities will draw energy from their surroundings to manifest, creating the cold or warm spot.

Pets Alerting:

A dog barking or growling at something that you can not see, or suddenly runs from a room as if it were being chased, dogs have been known to refuse to enter a room as if they are frightened of something, Animals may have "accidents" and subjugated to an invisible force. Birds reacting as though they were startled for no apparent reason, cats appearing to watch something or some one move across the room.

The feeling of Being Touched:

The typical report of this is the feeling that your hair or an article of your clothing has been tugged on, or someone touches you on the hand, arm, or leg.

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